Sunday, August 29, 2010

7 Days Away!

This blog is essentially a travel blog, as I hope is evidenced by the title. Traveling has been something that I have looked forward to ever since I was young and I’ve always loved hearing about the travels of others. Hearing their stories and looking at their pictures makes me want to go to those places and have my own experiences to tell someone else about. Hence, the creation of this blog. I’ll be posting about my own travel dreams, explorations, and discoveries and hopefully causing someone else to catch the travel bug.

Glasgow University

One week from now I will be boarding a plane heading towards Glasgow, Scotland. I’ll be studying there for a semester, and the anticipation of leaving is really starting to get to me! Going to Scotland has been something I’ve wanted to do for as long as I can remember, and now I get to go and live there for four months and truely experience the culture. Unfortunately, there are still quite a few things I have to do before leaving:

  1.Pack- I know, I know…”who waits until the week before to pack?!” Well, apparently I do.

  2.Sort out money issues- seeing as how I’ll be abroad for four months, making sure I have access to money (and enough of it to get me through the semester) is going to be a fairly big priority.

  3.Documentation- I have about 30ish emails that I should probably print and keep on my person at all times to ensure that I am allowed into Scotland, and I have yet to figure out exactly which emails those are.

Okay, so it’s only three things, but I’d say those were three BIG things. Thankfully, none of them should require too much time and will be taken care of within a day (at least I hope so).