Sunday, August 21, 2011

Relationship Guru...

I most certainly am not. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm kind of awful when it comes to the whole relationship thing. And I mean any kind of relationship. I feel like I'm a generally friendly person, and I genuinely care about my friends and do what I can so as to avoid any sort of riffs with them. But I often feel like that isn't enough, or it's taken advantage of. So many people tell me that they can instantly tell upon meeting me that I just don't get mad...well that's not true. Of course I get mad, we all do. I just seem to do a better job of bottling stuff up than most people. Which, I think, is why I have so many relationship issues. There's a lack of communication in almost all of the relationships that I have. Excluding my mother and sister, I don't always tell people what I actually think about something for fear of upsetting them. There is a literal fear of confrontation that affects me all the time. I hadn't really thought that this was necessarily a bad trait until recently. Like I said, people see me as friendly and nice...and then they get surprised when I voice an opinion that is contradictory to their own. They don't know what to do with it, so half of the time they laugh and the rest of the time they get upset. Neither of which I really appreciate. And so, of course, then I get upset. Because I've offended someone or they aren't taking me seriously. It's a vicious circle, really. 
This year I need to work on improving the relationships that I already have, actively make an effort to meet new people and expand my small circle of acquaintances, and try to be more comfortable in not only expressing my opinions but also in the fact that some people just aren't going to agree with them. And that's perfectly fine. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

8 Days and Counting!

8 days until I leave to move in at CoCo! I'm excited for a few reasons:
1. I'll be in an apartment, with a kitchen, so no more nasty dining hall food.
2. I'm a Senior!!
3. I'll be living with 3 wonderful, amazing people!
4. Classes = me actually having to get up every morning, get out and do stuff, which I have not being doing lately and I really need to get back into a normal schedule
5. Writing my Senior Thesis is both extremely exciting and very nerve-racking...but I think I'm ready for it.
Converse really is beautiful
I just have to remember to make the most out of my current situation. No matter how much I want to be back in Glasgow, I just can't make that happen right now. So, I need to learn to thoroughly enjoy Spartanburg and all that it has to offer. Plus, Greenville and Asheville are always fun. I'm a Senior, I'm 21, and I'm ready to completely and utterly enjoy this year.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summertime, and the livin' is easy...maybe too easy

Oh man, this summer has been something else. I don't think I've ever had such a hectic and yet lazy summer in my entire life. My home life has changed, awkwardly but for the better I think. I didn't get a job, so I'm extra poor which has led to spending way too much time with my dog. A lack of things to do, other than cleaning the house, has made me feel a bit more...not quite depressed, but something like it. Needless to say, I am more than ready for the business and fast-paced life that is college. However, I'm also ready for this last year to be done and moving towards the next phase in my life. I'm ready to jump in feet first!