Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year, Old School


Okay, so I'm a few days late. But, in my defense, I didn't have a computer for a few days and then I had to re-pack everything that I just unpacked a week ago to move back to Converse. I really was not ready to start back to school yet. Generally, we get almost a month off for Christmas break, but with not leaving Scotland until the 18th I only got about two weeks this year. It was a great two weeks too! I loved getting to spend so much time with my family, as I've said multiple times. Seeing everyone again made me realize how much I missed them while I was in Scotland. But, at the end of those two wonderful weeks I had to re-pack "The Beast" (as Jess has lovingly nicknamed my suitcase) and head back to school.

Sunshine :)

It was the weirdest feeling driving to school and thinking "this is where I'm going to be for the next 5 months. Not in Scotland, but here". How do I feel about that, honestly? I would rather be in Glasgow. Don't get me wrong, I adore my Connies and I missed them greatly, but Converse itself seems to bring out a different side of me that I thought I had almost gotten rid of in Scotland. I've always been extremely shy but for some reason Glasgow seemed to make me feel more confident and sure of myself and I was able to move past that, or so I thought. It seemed like the moment I stepped back onto Converse campus it came running back. I just feel intimidated most of the time here, and I don't like it.
I can't figure out if it's the fact that EVERYONE here is incredibly smart, students and professors alike, or if it is just the fact that that's how I've felt for the last two years here and it's just something I associate with this place. Either way, I'm going to do all that I can to keep my shy/less confident side out.
In the meantime, I plan on spending a lot of my time dreaming about Scotland and how quickly I will be able to find myself back in Glasgow. It was like I did not realize that I wouldn't be going back after Christmas until the time came to head back to school. It just hit me how many places I didn't get to see and how many people I had met there who I was going to miss. So, my solution? I'm going back as soon as I can (it's even a New Year's resolution)  :)