Saturday, December 25, 2010


I have to start off by saying that I absolutely LOVE my family! They are all amazing and the amount of love and kindness that is shown so often never fails to amaze me.
Christmas is always a time for us to get together and enjoy one another's company while enjoying a wonderful meal made by Bamaw followed by present opening (which never happens soon enough, according to Erin and Tina). This year was especially nice because I haven't seen my family in almost four months and I was really starting to miss just sitting and being with them. So, last night was something that I feel like my soul needed. Yes, the presents are nice and it will never get old ripping into wrapping paper like a 5 year old, but the part of the day that I always look forward to the most is being with my family and spending time with them.
And all day today will be filled with just that. Family coming in and out of the house for food, cider, and exchanging presents, doesn't get much better than that! I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas...I'm sure pictures of the next few days will follow in coming posts.