Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mixed Signals

Everyone receives them, and most people send them without intending to. However, I personally believe that we should all strive to do our best to no longer hinder our lives with mixed signals. I know I'm guilty of it. I'm the worst for not telling someone how I feel about something and then acting like they should just know what I'm thinking. When in reality, no one knows exactly what someone else is thinking or feeling. Yes, we can glean a good bit by watching a situation unfold, or feel sympathetic (I've officially been spending too much time in Scottish Enlightenment) to a friend who's going through something that we know is difficult for them, but that's about as far as it goes. Only they know what's really going on underneath the outermost layer.
That being said, some people, and I'm speaking mainly towards Scottish men at this point, need to really work on reigning in their mixed signals. I think that's probably where most people's complaints about dealing with mixed signals comes in, relationships. And that's definitely where they would be the most confusing because any relationship is difficult enough already without the added stress of being told one thing and shown another. I found a picture that pretty well represents what I'm talking about, I think...
I don't think that men and women are always on complete opposite ends of the spectrum, but there does seem to be a tendency for the different sexes to have totally different ideas about how to go about presenting their feelings on certain things. And honestly, I don't like it. If you want someone to know something, no matter how trivial it may seem to you, do your best to get your point across clearly and succinctly. There's no need for all of this beating around the bush, avoidance, middle -school crap.
So, fellas of the Scottish descent, and anyone else who finds themselves guilty of sending even more mixed signals into the world, can we make a promise to not confuse others to the best of our ability? It would be greatly appreciated.

Speaking of mixed finally stopped raining about 30 minutes ago and the beautiful sun returned to the sky, and now, at 4:30, it's setting. Thank you, Scotland, thank you.