Friday, November 26, 2010


I adore Thanksgiving. I love the cooking and baking that starts the day before and often times continues right up until dinner is served. I love going to my Granparent's house for a meal and being surrounded by family and friends that I know care about me and are genuinely just fun to be around. My family is really close (which apparently freaks some people out, but we never let that bother us) so needless to say any chance we get to come together and eat and just hang out, we take it. Although I was of course sad about missing the "normal" Thanksgiving routine this year I was still looking forward to the smallish dinner we had planned for people that we had met here. I was even going to make pumpkin cupcakes with cream-cheese icing!!
And then...Glandular Fever hit.
That's just a weird name for mono. Yes, I have mono and I'm not really sure how it happened. But, that is besides the point. Unfortunately this nasty sickness kept me from going to dinner last night. I didn't realize just how upset I was about that until I was sitting alone in my room watching Pocahontas (because Google recommended it as a top Thanksgiving movie) and chewing on ice-cubes to try and numb my throat.
But, there isn't anything that I can do about it and the best thing for me to do while I'm sick is to rest and not infect other people. So, I'm going to say that I made the right decision (and ignore the fact that I didn't think I could stand long enough to actually make it down the street) and beg my Mom to make her Thanksgiving ham for Christmas when I get home.