Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And we're walking, and walking, and walking...

My feet hurt. I didn't even know it was possible to get blisters on the bottoms of your feet, but apparently it is. But you know what, I'm in love with this place, blisters and all. In fact, I think I'll make a list of everything I love about Glasgow, and Scotland in general, just so it can be documented...
  1. I love the fact that I'm walking everywhere. Even though my feet are yelling at me to just sit down for a few minutes, I feel like I'm really getting to see Glasgow. Of course we've taken a taxi when the walk just seems too far to bear, but that's been two or three times and generally after an intense shopping day.
  2. People here seem to live at a much slower pace than we do in the States. I get the feeling that they make sure everything they do is enjoyed to its fullest and no opportunity is missed. There's definitely a sense of just "being" coming from this place and I love it.
  3. The way people "go out" here is much more my style. Going to a pub (or two or three) for a few drinks with friends and just relaxing is pretty much my ideal night out. Yes, the clubs are fun every once in awhile but you don't get to know people the same way when you're screaming over the Usher song coming from the speakers. Unfortunately, going out here is still just as expensive as it is at home, probably more so.
  4. Um, have you ever heard a Scottish accent? If so, then no more explanation is necessary on this one.
  5. The fact that the Uni was founded in 1451 still blows my mind. Being surrounded by so much history is pretty much how I want to spend my life.
  6. The people are genuinely nice. It's not the same as at home, where everyone smiles and says hello as they walk by. But I have to keep reminding myself that I live in South Carolina, "smiling faces and beautiful places" and all that. Needless to say, the three of us, after hearing how friendly Glaswegians are, expected people to act the way we do at home. Though it takes people a bit more warming up time, once you get them talking they're really nice.
  7. The cars here are absolutely adorable.
  8. There is so much open, beautiful green land in Scotland. Anytime we've traveled out of the city I'm astounded by how much space there is. It's probably my mom's "granola crowd" influence on me, but I don't think enough people appreciate open land that's been left untouced.
  9. Coffee shops are everywhere, and if you know me at all you know I love my coffee. So far, Montgomery's has been the best.
  10. Grocery shopping has always been something I love to do, I don't know why, so please don't ask. Let's just say I enjoy Publix trips far more than I should. Here, grocery shopping is a once a week thing, at least. You only buy what you need for the week, mainly because you don't want to try and carry too much back to your flat, but also because there are so many less preservatives in the food you really can't buy too much food or else it goes bad. This may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I find that I really enjoy it.
Well, now that there's a list I suppose there should also be a few pictures...

The Park, a bar down the street
