Monday, September 27, 2010

London Calling

Yeah, I know that's probably the most common title for anything about trips to London, but it's cute and I'm using it.
Now, if you couldn't tell, Elizabeth, Michelle, Jess and I went to London this weekend! We left Thursday night at around 11ish and rode a bus for 8 hours...we're that dedicated to saving as much money as possible. When we first arrived, we headed straight towards Buckingham palace, which was huge and included guards with fuzzy hats. After depositing our belongings and taking quick showers, we wasted no time in heading to Westminster Abbey. Even though I've heard about how beautiful the Abbey is, it's one of those places that you cannot truly appreciate until you've experienced it. It was my favorite part of the entire weekend. The rest of the weekend was filled with visits to the British Museum, The Tower of London, the Globe, The Tate, Hyde Park and The National Portrait Gallery. We also did the touristy thing and took way too many pictures of Big Ben and the Eye. But honestly, how many chances are we going to get to go to London?

The Tower felt so full of history and it was mind-blowing to think about the fact that we were walking where people like Elizabeth I walked hundreds of years ago (no, I'm not a history nerd at all). Unfortunately we couldn't actually go in the Globe seeing as how we were running very low on funds, but we saw the outside of it. Still counts, right? The Tate was interesting and it confirmed my theory that I am not a modern art kind of girl. The National Portrait Gallery was much more my style, especially the Tudor room with its collection of Elizabeth I portraits. Can you tell she's my favorite yet? And, of course, Hyde Park was just as pretty and English as one would expect it to be.
All in all, it was a fun trip and I'm glad we went.