Monday, September 13, 2010

"Horizontal Rain"

Before leaving for Glasgow I had a few family members warn me about the typical Scottish "horizontal"'s so windy that the rain ends up coming at you horizontally instead of falling straight down. They weren't kidding! After spending most of the morning running around the Uni like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to figure out what papers I needed and where to take them in order to get a student i.d., we decided that we needed to head to City Centre to do some shopping. This would have been a perfectly good idea, had the weather not been getting progressively worse as the day went on. It started out with a slight sprinkle and by the time we finished shopping a few hours later it felt like we were walking through a hurricane.

Not my picture, but a decent representation of the weather
 Our umbrellas, though admittedly rather cheap, didn't stand a chance against the intense amounts of wind that sent the rain in ten different directions at once. Needless to say, we were ready to get a cab back to the residence and call it a day. However, everyone else in Glasgow apparently had the same idea...there were no empty cabs. Solution: walk the 25 or so minutes back and endure the thorough soaking from gale force winds and the literally horizontal rain. Though everyones umbrella was turned inside out at least once, I know I for one had a good laugh about the hysterical image I'm sure we presented to passerby and those who were lucky enough to get a cab.
I think I'm going to have to invest in a pair of these very soon...