Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Family, Fife and a Few Other Adventures

I have been truly blessed with an amazing family.
This past weekend I went to my cousin's house in Fife and spent two jam-packed days exploring the more rural side of Scotland. It was amazing! I can't thank Bernadette and David enough for reminding me why I have always had a love for Scotland. Within the first 20 minutes of the drive out of Glasgow I saw such beautiful views of the more rural parts of the country, and honestly, they took my breath away. We drove through Culross, Dunfermline, Falkland, St. Andrews, St. Monans, and a few other small harbour villages on the way home so I could get a "taste" of a few places. Let me tell you, they were all absolutely gorgeous and just so "Scottish" that I could barely contain myself.
Harbour, Doorway, Church, Coast
Not only did I get to see the coast, but I also saw the most beautiful church that is located right on the beach. I've already told my Mom that I'm getting married there one day and everyone will simply have to fly out to Scotland for the occasion. She didn't seem too put off by the idea.
After a day full of "ooohs" and "ahhhhs", Sunday was spent looking at some very old and very magnificent buildings. We started the day at Dunfermline Palace and Abbey and then made our way to the Wallace Monument and Stirling Castle. The Palace/Abbey was very serene; very awe-inspiring. It was built by Robert the Bruce and was used by the Kings and Queens of Scotland, including Queen Mary, as a stop on their way through the country. The Monument was a bit different. First, we had to make a "gentle climb" to the top. I'm sure the climb would have been much more gentle had I not already been sick...I could feel my chest tightening as we went up the hill to the base of the Monument. But, once we reached the top (and then the very top of the Monument itself) I saw that the views were well worth the hike up. If you ever find yourself in Stirling, make sure you make the trip to the Wallace Monument. I promise, you won't regret it.
Of course, being in Stirling, we HAD to go to the castle. I had heard nothing but good things about the castle and its surroundings and they were all true. The castle itself sits up on a hill overlooking the city of Stirling and everywhere you look you're faced with another fantastic view.

Dunfermline, Wallace Monument, Stirling Castle, View from Castle
  All in all, I saw more in just this past weekend than I have the entire month and a half that I've been in Glasgow. I can't thank David and Bernadette enough for their kindness and hospitality. I greatly appreciate it and definitely plan on visiting them again in the near future.