Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lazy Days and Revealing Nights

This past week has been a fairly tame one. After having about two weeks that were absolutely jam-packed with activities it's kind of nice to just be able to relax a little bit. Also, the start of classes generally means that my focus shifts towards academics and such...but that's a bit hard to do whenever I remember I'm in Scotland. I get my books and sit down with every intention of reading for class and then I look outside of my window and am hit with the realization that I could be wandering around Glasgow instead. And doesn't that just sound like it would be more fun than reading about the Scottish Enlightenment? Well, it does to me. Especially when there is such a beautiful park only 5 minutes away that has trees with leaves changing colors.

Too pretty to resist taking pictures...
  Unfortunately, I've managed to mangle my foot pretty badly and cause some "inflamation of the tendons" according to the doctor. So, I've been told that I need to rest/elevate my foot for a few days. That hasn't really happened. I absolutely hate having to sit inside doing nothing when I'm only going to be here for a few months. Just doesn't seem fair. Needless to say, it's going to take a bit longer for my foot to heal than it probably should, but I have a feeling that experiencing Glasgow is well worth it. How else am I going to befriend Scottish people (which is really the goal of this entire trip), right?
We've been able to go out a few different times and try out places that people have told us about or that we have heard were fun. I think that we're starting to find places that will become regular haunts, which is nice. Experiencing the nightlife here has actually been the biggest culture shock for me. When people head out for a night on the town in Glasgow, they go all out. The biggest differences between going out here and at home are that Glaswegians start their nights out quite a bit earlier than we're used to, around 8 or 9, and the going out attire is completely different, especially for the girls. Let's just say that there is much less clothing involved. I kind of feel like I stick out like a sore thumb, but oh well. I don't have enough money to buy new clothes!